Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ick sprecken ze doitch!

I speak you German! So perhaps that isnt the most fluent german... but its my phrase regardless. (For correct spelling please see http://patmikekurtz.blogspot.com)

Back in Germany here, Berlin to be specific. Just went to a museum called... Pergamonuseum, I miiight have taken a picture with my camera just to remember that, but alas. There were housed what remained of the gates of Babalon, quite impressive stuff. Definitely wonder of the world worthy. History is quite amazing here, and so so recent. It is definitely an interesting city to explore. Our tour guide yesterday had an interesting thought... "For Germans it is no longer a choice to be proud of our national history, but we can at least take pride in how we deal with that history"

So my whole page here is in german thus it is quite confusing... Just click on the word that looks like comments, kom... something. Feel free to post retroactive commentary about posts I made on my xanga page.... http://xanga.com/igotdabbjones

Linked out like crazy, I know. Let me know if you like the new page here!


B&B_Reynolds_VCS_Missionaries said...

Just wait til you get to Czech. That language is really screwed up. How are you is a good one to start with. Jak se mas? pronounced yak-say-maaash. See you in Munich bro! :)

B&B_Reynolds_VCS_Missionaries said...

oh one more thing . . . Ich spreche ein bischen Deutsch also. Only ein bischen oder keine deutsch. Wiederseyn! :)

Mom said...

This is a neat site too. Are you switching for good?

Boy, even on the internet it is tough to keep up with you guys!

Love you and see you soon.
